Learning Trends to Achieve Skills in The Era of Disruption

Source: news.schmu.id

Since the Covid-19 pandemic that hit 2020 until now, humans have encountered an era of disruption where the use of large-scale technology has used in various aspects of life, one of which is the education aspect. The education system is required to move with the era of the use of technology in most activities in it. It is undeniable that teachers and students also have to adapt to using technology so that the learning process continues to be effective.

Therefore, there are several learning trends in the era of disruption, which are as follows.

1. Disruptive Learning

It is one of effective learning methods for dealing with change, especially in the era of disruption. Students are required to change their mindset. So that students can explore various perspectives, values, and worldviews that will emerge. This learning method carried out as a transformation process through a re-orientation of the mindset towards sustainable learning abilities.

2. Blended Learning

Learning that allows reflection between teachers and students by integrating the use of appropriate technology in it. This learning produces several skills, namely language skills, progress monitoring, production, collaboration, application, practice, and feedback.

3. Project-based Learning

A learning method that uses activity as a medium to encourage students to interpret and obtain new information. In addition, students can also be more active in their work and hone their creativity by taking a research-based approach to a problem. This learning focus directs students to seek answers to questions or problems using appropriate scientific concepts.

4. Problem-based Learning

This learning uses the method of introducing a case or problem to students so that students can find solutions to the case. In contrast to project-based learning, this learning offers solutions not in the form of products but it can be in the form of writing or presentations.

From these learning trends, it can conclude that the use of technology in this disruptive era has a large role in the world of education. In this disruptive era, teachers and students can create a variety of teaching and learning styles. It can trigger the training of several soft skills, such as students can think critically, can solve problems, and increase creativity so that human resources will develop.

Writer: Muthia Rahmadita


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Oktifa, N. (2022). Perbedaan Project Based Learning dan Problem Based Learning. Aku Pintar. https://akupintar.id/info-pintar/-/blogs/perbedaan-project-based-learning-dan-problem-based-learning

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