Three Startup Ideas That Are Suitable for a College Student

Are you a college student? This is the digital startup for you who want to start your business


Life as a college student is an unforgettable experience, we have to be responsible for ourselves. Many of the students work while studying, and some do business while studying. There are times when this thought arises when we think of parents and want to help them financially. Finding a business idea can be said to be a little difficult when you want to start a business, you have to think about solutions and plan to solve problems that exist in society.

The following article will discuss three startup ideas that will help you find the best inspiration, the problems around you, and the solutions you can use to build your startup.

1. Personal Shopper


A personal shopper is a new phenomenon in this era because many people use personal shopper services to shop without having to leave the house. This service usually uses human services to travel to a place for shopping based on what the client has ordered. This startup idea is perfect for those of you who are college students. What you need to prepare is a team of IT who can make this simple application. For example, there is a local startup that has built this business, called BISTIP. This personal shopper startup is the only one in Indonesia. The service they offer is that you can buy goods using the services of a member registered there and later the member will go to find the item you want.

2. Indekos Services


Finding a boarding house is not an easy matter, the reason is we have to survey several different places and it takes a lot of energy. From this problem, a solution can be made that makes it easier for students to find boarding houses without hassle.

This business is also promising because we don’t need to spend a lot of money, what we need is to be able to negotiate and form partnerships with many boarding house owners. The system used is a boarding house price markup or a fee that has been agreed with the boarding house owner. You can build a website for your initial startup by displaying a list of boarding houses in an area, complete with prices, pictures, and facilities.

3. E-Learning

Education is important in creating an advanced civilization. The teaching and learning process has also been supported by technology, especially during the corona outbreak, many teaching and learning processes were carried out online on various specific platforms. The use of technology in education is very helpful for many people who sometimes experience difficulties in the economy, time, and place. With the existence of digital learning media, it allows people to stay up to date on new knowledge. This educational startup is very possible to be built by college students who like to share knowledge. The knowledge that can be shared can be in the form of various disciplines at the university. You can build this digital startup by inviting your friends from different majors to do it. Examples of E-learning startups in Indonesia; Ruang Guru, Quipper, and Zenius. Maybe for you, college students can try this startup idea with your own special services.

So, those are four startup businesses that are suitable for you as a college student. Before doing business, make sure you arrange your study time as best you can do so it doesn’t clash with your working time.


Angelo, Jose. (2016, June 29). The History and Evolution of Advertising. (Accessed on 17 October 2020).

Dicker, Ron. (2019, November 17). How to Start a Personal Shopper Business. (Accessed on 17 October 2020).

Fontinelle, Amy. (2020, Aug 14). Investopedia. What is a Startup?. (Accessed on 19 October 2020).

Yenny, Yusra. (2017, Dec 27). Daily Social. Lima Ide Bisnis di Tahun 2018. (Accessed on 22 October 2020).



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